The only place to begin is right here enveloped completely in everthing that IS here. When we reject some parts of ourselves, while favoring othere, a great internal divide is…
Blog Index
Meditation: Air It Out
This recording is the first 25 minutes of a 3 hour Intrinsic Genius Workshop, recorded in Lisbon June 19/15. Play this while doing the dishes, puttering, seated or lying down…
Meditation: Deep Cleanse
The Language of Life: Body, Heart, Nature etc is far more advanced than man made language, and therefore, to be understood must be listened to with a different quality than…
A Girl and Her Food Intimacies
Because it feels good. That’s all. And that’s really the whole reason. Sure sometimes I smear my breakfast on my face to nourish my skin but for the most…
Podcast Interview with Tony Wrighton
I always enjoy chatting with Tony. He is real, funny and always asks great questions. In this Intimate chat with Tony we talk about why I took a break from traveling, the…
Where it began
In 2011 I left Vancouver on my very first trip to teach overseas. One of my most influential teachers, Chris Chavez, connected me with Cihangir Yoga in Istanbul and we set up a weekend workshop. I…
My Last Practice with Little Tiger
2016 was a hard year for me. There were so many big bumps, hiccups, crashes and burns for me that the only way to honour myself, my commitment to my…
Start Now: take just one step right now
Life gives us tasks in stages. We get an inspiration for a project, and this is the moment to begin. The things that create the deepest sense of satisfaction in…
Beautiful Anxieties
One of the most common questions I am asked is how long it took me to get over my fears of teaching. It took me years before my anxieties about…
A little chat
This is an Interview I did with Sophie, an amazing woman who took last year’s Teacher Training with me here in Bali. She is an inspiring human, who is not only a…