This recording is the first 25 minutes of a 3 hour Intrinsic Genius Workshop, recorded in Lisbon June 19/15.
Play this while doing the dishes, puttering, seated or lying down (savasana) or in a super relaxed position.
The current training of our mind is to see, identify and control that which is moving. So every time there is a fluctuation, our minds, identify what it is, put a label on it so that therefore it is understood. Mind then files it away, or stores it in a jar on a shelf in a closet in our subconscious mind which lives woven through every single layer of our bodymind.
Here what we will do is open up all the doors and windows. Open up all the old storage lockers the old jars the old collections, and begin to air out. Air out old belief patterns, old imprints, it’s like spring cleaning. Your work is to remember the curiosity of arriving to some new place and allowing that place to be as it is. Then you turn a corner and you arrive at a new place, and allow that place to be as it is. And through the power of your observation and allowance of what is, you are giving your body-mind the greatest gift of processing information. Of digesting the back log.
I hope you enjoy and manage to clear out a few old junk drawers in the process!
love you,