My new breakfast routine. Since I’m officially one week without coffee I’m discovering the joys of getting hungry in the morning. This mighty concoction has been my man in shining oily green goo all week. I love him. He’s filling, smooth, nourishing, lubricating, full of wisdom, low sugar and high good fats and fiber.

Smash with care & rub everywhere:
- 3 spoons golden flax
- 3 spoons hemp
- 1 spoon ant infested pumpkin seeds
- 1 spoon bee pollen
- 1 spoon black sesame
- 1 spoon aronia berries
- 2-3 cups coconut water
- 1 spoon Pranin a-z (or sub)
- 1 spoon spirulina (or sub)
more seeds all smashed up than is imaginable. each genius seedling releasing its oily mystical juices to fuel, lubricate, heal and delight the human
He’s gonna love you in all the right places.
So much love,